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Zhatova Kateryna

Zhatova Kateryna


Angebotene Dienstleistungen: Kunst & Illustration , Adobe Illustrator , Animation

Kunst / Entertainment / Verlagswesen

Berlin, Berlin
€15 / Stunde
Ungefährer Satz


Über Zhatova Kateryna:

Hello! My name is Katya Zhatova, I am 31 years old and originally from Kharkiv, Ukraine. Currently, I reside in Berlin, Germany.

I have preferred working remotely as it gives me certain level of freedom and flexibility.

My primary tools are Procreate and Adobe Illustrator, but I also enjoy drawing by hand.

I speak English, Ukrainian, and Russian.


Erleben Sie

Throughout my career, I have primarily worked as a freelancer, engaging in short-term projects. My work predominantly involves creating illustrations for social networks, custom orders, website graphics, covers, clothing prints, and posters. There was a period in my life when I was a tattoo artist, during which I crafted over 50 of my original designs. Additionally, I manage an art-centric Instagram account where I post striking illustrations. These often feature caricatures inspired by current events and reflect my personal perspectives on life. My inspiration also comes from photography and I am passionate about infusing creativity and unique viewpoints into visual storytelling. I also run an Etsy store where I sell digital products I've created, such as coloring books, calendars, and posters. My work has been featured in several Ukrainian and British magazines. Recently, I have begun exploring analog animation.


I graduated with a degree in Economics from the University of Economics in Kharkiv, I have pursued several courses in illustration, academic drawing, and completed a general illustration course at Skvot  which is Kiev based offline art school.

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