achleute Mittweida

Fahid Hussain Rahi

Fahid Hussain Rahi

Working as a student Tutor is a passion. Working as an Application Developer. · Dedicated secondary and higher education teacher with over 2 years of · experience in devising individualized curricula ...

Mittweida, Saxony
Carola  Nauhardt

Carola Nauhardt

Sozialpädagogische Assistentin

Bildung / Ausbildung

Mittweida, Saxony
Florian  Krogull

Florian Krogull

Student Nachhaltiges Immobilienmanagement

Bauwesen / Einrichtungen

Mittweida, Saxony
Angélique Teichmann

Angélique Teichmann

• Ich bin Teamfähig, Flexibel, Zielstrebig, Lernfähig, Pünktlich

Mittweida, Saxony
Monis Akhtar

Monis Akhtar

Machine Learning | Data Science

Technik / Internet

Mittweida, Saxony

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