beBee background
Aiman Alam

Aiman Alam

Data Scientist

Technik / Architektur

Bremen, Bremen


Angebotene Dienstleistungen

My name is Aiman.  I am a graduate in Computer engineering and currently pursuing Master's in Data Science in Germany. I have keen interest in data studies including analysis, manipulation and visualization.

My interest inclines bit more towards medical and crime investigation fields for Data work. My upper hands are on SAS and Python.

Between my bachelor's and master's I had 5 years of work experience. I am professionally fluent in English and Hindi. And 'A' levels in German. Please do not hesitate to contact.

Thank you.


Mein Name ist Aiman. Ich habe einen Abschluss in Informatik und strebe derzeit einen Master in Data Science in Deutschland an. Ich interessiere mich sehr für Datenstudien, einschließlich Analyse, Manipulation und Visualisierung.

Mein Interesse richtet sich etwas mehr auf die Bereiche Medizin und Kriminalpolizei für Datenarbeit. Meine Oberhand liegt bei SAS und Python.

Zwischen Bachelor und Master habe ich 5 Jahre Berufserfahrung gesammelt. Beruflich spreche ich fließend Englisch und Hindi. Und Abitur in Deutsch. Zögern Sie bitte nicht uns zu kontaktieren.

Vielen Dank.

Ungefährer Satz: €12 pro Stunde

Erleben Sie

From July 2019 to May 2022, the individual worked as a Senior Web Developer at Fortress6 Technologies in Kolkata, India. Their responsibilities included designing databases and front-end interfaces with high accuracy. They utilized MySQL, TYPO3 (CMS), and HTML/CSS for their work.

Prior to that, from January 2019 to June 2019, they held a position as a Junior Web Developer at the same company. In this role, they assisted in coding, development, and design tasks using HTML and MySQL GUI. They also documented the workflow of website design.

Before joining Fortress6 Technologies, from February 2017 to December 2018, they worked as a Python Developer at Magnum Eco-Tronics in Delhi, India. Their responsibilities involved writing effective and scalable Python code, creating predictive models for AI and machine learning-based features, integrating user-facing elements with server-side logic, and debugging applications to ensure low-latency and high availability.


I am currently pursuing a Master's degree in Data Science in Society and Business at Constructor University in Bremen, Germany. I expect to complete their degree in June 2024. My major subjects include Data Analytics, Data Mining, Text Analysis and NLP (Natural Language Processing), Machine Learning, and Data Science Concepts.

I have worked on multiple projects, including:

1. Depression detection based on motor activity data: This project involved investigating the physical activity patterns of depressed and non-depressed individuals using actigraph data.

2. Emotion Detection for Text Analysis in the Mental Health Field: This project utilized four different modeling techniques to perform emotion classification on textual data in the context of mental health. Natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning approaches were used to analyze and classify emotions expressed in text.

3. Fraud Detection: Various predictive models were employed to detect whether a transaction is a normal payment or a fraud. The project aimed to assess the accuracy of these models in fraud detection.

4. Germany Automobile Manufacturers' Stock Market Analysis: Stock market data for four German car manufacturers was analyzed using data from Yahoo Finance.

5. ASL (American Sign Language) Recognition with Deep Learning: This project focused on training a convolutional neural network to classify American Sign Language (ASL) letters.

These projects demonstrate my practical experience and application of data science techniques in various domains.

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