Negar Chabi
Technik / Architektur
Über Negar Chabi:
Python programming,
Matlab programming,
Computer vision,
Image processing,
Signal processing,
Medical image processing,
Object detection
Object segmentation
Machine learning
Deep learning
Erleben Sie
Online Internship program, Python developer, Industry training, Brainnest, Bremen, Germany, Jan-Feb 2023
Included topics :
Working with files, task scheduling, debugging and error handling,
Automation tasks (Automate email sending, automate file transfer) ,
Build applications : Weather app (For showing the weather condition for a specific location), To do list app, Countdown Timer app
Ph.D. candidate, Faculty of Computer Science (FIN), Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany, Nov 2018 -- Now
Thesis : Stent detection and enhancement
Research Assistant, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran, Nov 2013 -- Aug 2018
Using the SPM software for voxel based morphometry analysis of brain MRI images.
Performing SPECT image analysis using SPM software.
Conducting the Clinical SPECT / MRI Brain Images Registration and Fusion.
Workshop coordinator, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Feb 28 -- Mar 1, (2017), Bushehr, Iran
fMRI basics and data analysis workshop based on SPM software package.
M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering, (Thesis : SPECT and MRI brain images fusion based on transform domain methods, GPA: 17.83/20), Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, 2011 -- 2013
B.Sc. in Electronic Engineering, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran, 2006 -- 2011
Fachkräfte aus demselben Technik / Architektur-Sektor wie Negar Chabi
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Jobs in der Nähe von Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt
- Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg Magdeburg
· For English version please see below. · Ihre Aufgabe: · Die Bearbeitung eines Promotionsprojektes zum Thema LPV-Näherungen nichtlinearer Systeme für den Reglerentwurf .Die Grundidee besteht darin, lineare aber parameter-abhängige Approximationen nichtlinearer Systeme zu entwer ...