
    Maintenance Technician for Industrial Robots - Wolfsburg, Deutschland - SC AFMECH SRL

    SC AFMECH SRL Wolfsburg, Deutschland

    vor 2 Wochen

    Default job background

    Required education:
    in Electromechanics/ Industrial Mechanics

    Experience in technical maintenance for equipment, ideally with industrial robots FANUC
    Knowledge in Electromechanics/Industrial Mechanics
    Very good analytical and comprehension skills;
    Experience in the use of industrial equipment/devices
    Proactive, client-oriented approach, open-minded to find solutions for issues occurring in day-to-day operation of the systems;
    Capacity to read and understand Technical documentation for equipment (in English);
    Basic knowledge in electronics, electric design, electrical power, and general standards of different equipment like chargers, tooling, etc (voltage, power, etc);
    Punctuality, efficiency, professional conduct;
    Attention to detail and initiative;
    English command - written and spoken (average level at least);
    Knowledge of German would be an advantage
    Knowledge of usual office apps (Excel, Word, Outlook, Whatsapp, Chrome, etc);
    Any additional experience in engineering and robotics (FANUC robots) is highly appreciated;
    Driving license category B

    The main responsibilities of the candidate are: - overseeing the proper operation of the industrial robots
    - monitoring and participating in the realization of the daily activities, current maintenance, and preventive maintenance
    - preventive and reactive maintenance for the equipment supervised - checking the operating conditions of the robots
    - diagnosing the defects and identifying their cause - industrial robot repair and maintenance services
    - finding and evaluating problems and defects, including major repairs
    - maintenance, inspection, verification, and repair of industrial robots
    - reviewing the stock of critical spare parts necessary for replacement, completion of defective parts, or for the preparation of planned maintenance operations
    - ensuring the correct functioning of the equipment
    - evaluating the production break-downs and proposing measures for the good functioning of the equipment
    - regular revisions, replacement of consumables, checking of operating parameters
    - indicating the spare parts and materials needed for maintenance activities
    - optimizing the way of working, the times of necessary operations, etc.

    attractive salary
    modern working environment
    perspectives of international professional development
    medical and work security insurance

    AFMECH is active in the industrial and technical field at European level for more than 30 years.

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    Va informam ca, in scopul recrutarii dumneavoastra, AFMECH ., cu sediul sat Malu Mare, com. Malu Mare, str. Caracal nr. 254D, bloc B, sc., ap., jud. Dolj, Romania, CUI RO, inregistrati la Oficiul Registrului Comertului cu nr.

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    In conditiile detaliate in RGPD, va revin urmatoarele drepturi in ceea ce priveste datele cu caracter personal prelucrate de

    AFMECH :
    Dreptul de acces la date - Aveti posibilitatea de a obtine gratuit din partea AFMECH .

    o confirmare privind prelucrarea datelor dumneavoastra cu caracter personal, precum si acces la datele respective si la informatiile mentionate in art.

    15 din RGPD.

    Va rugam sa ne contactati daca doriti o confirmare ca datele dumneavoastra sunt prelucrate si daca doriti sa cunoasteti modalitatea in care sunt gestionate.

    Raspunsul va fi furnizat in termen de o luna de la data cererii (cu exceptia cazului in care cererea este nefondata sau excesiva).Dreptul de rectificare - Aveti posibilitatea de a solicita AFMECH corectarea si/sau completarea datelor cu caracter personal ce va privesc in masura in care acestea sunt inexacte si/sau incomplete.

    Va rugam sa ne informati cu privire la orice data pe care ati dori sa o rectificam si vom raspunde in termen de cel mult o luna de la data solicitarii.

    Dreptul de stergere – Va puteti exercita dreptul de a șterge datele dvs. personale inclusiv anterior expirarii perioadei de prelucrare a datelor de catre AFMECH . mentionata mai sus. Va rugam sa aveti in vedere ca, in cazul exercitarii acestui drept, AFMECH . nu va mai fi in masura sa analizeze candidatura dumneavoastra pentru locul de munca pentru care ati aplicat.
    Dreptul la restrictionarea prelucrarii - Acest drept se poate exercita în situaţiile şi condiţiile prevăzute de art.

    18 din RGPD.Dreptul de opozitie – In cazul in care exista motive legate de o situatie particulara in care va aflati, aveti posibilitatea de a va opune prelucrarii datelor dumneavoastra cu caracter personal, in conditiile prevazute de art.

    21 din RGPD.Pentru exercitarea drepturilor dvs.

    mentionate mai sus, va rugam sa contactati AFMECH la adresa:

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