David Navarro López

vor 7 Jahren · 5 min. Lesezeit · ~10 ·

Blog den David
The Navarro Loop

The Navarro Loop

4d5c810d.jpgThe brain is by far the most complex item of the universe. Thanks to the latest technology developments, we can virtually “see”(fMRIa thought travelling our brain from one part to another, even if we cannot see the content of it. 

We have roughly discovered where are located some functions, and in order to heal some diseases, exciting time is next to us. Nevertheless, and even if large scientific corporations and universities with astronomic budgets are working hard on it, we are just scratching the surface.

At another level, since centuries psychologists and philosophers have been trying to reveal how our mind works, sometimes, with the accuracy of a drunken elephant in a crystal store.

Both communities, scientists and philosophers, together with an unaccountable arrogance, are in a delirious competition to see which (or even worse, who) is going to reveal how this complex system works. It seems the only thing they are really interested on, is to make a little discovering on this enormous matter, which helps them to write a best-selling book or win a Nobel price.

I wonder how long it will take until they realize that this issue is too complex to look at it only from one point of view. How long it will take to learn that the only way is putting selfishness and arrogance apart, to work all together, as ants or bees do.

The amazing thing of all this, is every human being has one. And we are free to use it at our own will. Nobody can tell us how or about what we have to think.

Something it kept me thinking is that we can actually physically modify our brain consciously.

Thoughts are a combination of electrical impulses and chemical reactions, living in a 1.3 kgs. muscle, which uses the 20% of the available energy at the body.

As long as we can “train this muscle”, we can actually modify it, reinforcing consciously physical parts of it. For example, it is already proven that the loss of memory obeys to a the lack of acetylcholine, a substance that allows our brain cells to communicate, and reading and learning reinforces these interconnections, so the only known way by now to fighting against Alzheimer is still at our hands.

  • But, how the mind works, and how can be master it?

Well, nobody really knows. But we have no time to sit and wait until somebody tells us.

Roughly speaking, it seems that our conscious mind, located at the neo cortex, is the “boss”. 

Nevertheless, it is only in our subconscious were complex cognitive processes can be taken.

Like in a corporation, the “boss” hears “resumed rapports” of all the “departments”, and takes decisions. 

Answering the questions to my dear Ali Anani on his post, https://www.bebee.com/producer/@ali-anani/finding-answers-to-simple-questions it seems that the criteria of making decisions of the boss are not based on the “professionalism” or worth of the enormous amount of rapports. 

It seems that decisions are taken based on how urgently, often or loud this rapport is delivered to the boss, or conscious mind. Accordingly to this, to the exposed examples in the buzz:

“Chasing a dream girl till she accepted you only to lose interest in her afterwards” and,

“You had illusions about something and once you discovered the truth you felt you became wiser. But then you lost the truth and went back to your illusions”  which in both cases has no logic, we could find the following explanation:

The “department” which is responsible for the emotion of “chasing” or “illusions” has a stronger voice than the others, so the “boss” takes the decision based on what is going to create less internal conflicts, or what is going to feedback better the centers of pleasure.

Chasing a girl or following our illusions feeds “the pleasure of the hunt”. What it comes after implies commitment, responsibilities. If one is not looking for the later, but to reinforce one’s self-esteem (to say it nicely), then to succeed is, at the same time, desired and feared.

So here we can find a hint on how can we master our mind, and how the Navarro Loop works.

  • The Navarro Loop (Perception, knowledge, beliefs, action, interaction, perception)

Above all, it is mostly based in my own experiences, and on things I have read. Therefore, it is a subjective point of view.

Secondly, in this case in particular, and in my life in general, I try not to be disturbed by things that are beyond my control. But in my opinion, we have already enough “tools” to master our mindset.

I tried to make a scheme of the Navarro Loop. I failed. I could not find a chain or a pattern on which the components fit one with each other, because they interact disorderly.

Maybe, a most appropriate name for it would be the “Navarro Maze”.

In any case, the above mentioned components of it are things we can control. And through them, we can master our feelings, a very important (and out of control) trigger of our actions, along with other much more complex processes, out of human reach by now.

Considering that in the end, it is the “boss” who takes the decision, and the criteria for it is to give priority to the “department” which makes its statements “louder”, we need to reinforce our desired targets enormously to give them a “louder voice”, so the “boss” will take the decision accordingly.

We need to remember that our subconscious is who gets ready the “reports for the boss”, that the amount of information it can process is much bigger, and for sure, much bigger that our conscious even notices. In addition, the subconscious works full speed when the conscious sleeps. This is the explanation why sometimes we go to sleep with a complex problem to solve, and when we get up we find the solution as if somebody had whispered it in our ears. The subconscious has done its work.

Therefore, we must keep in mind that our subconscious is always listening, and has no sense of humour. Anything we feed it with, it will be processed, and more dangerously, without the control of “the boss”.

So if we feed our mind with destructive ideas, readings, companionships, even if consciously we do not take it on consideration, our subconscious will.

  • The inevitability of change

We are all daily exposed to circumstances, options, and experiences that will, inevitably, will change us in one way or another. Those things will feed our unconscious, we like it or not.

So it is up to us to allow them to percolate us, and in any case, we need to reinforce ourselves with the things we want, to give a stronger voice to our priorities.

To put an example, if in the working place there is a negative attitude, we would “wear an armour” by making deaf ears and not searching the companionship with the promoters of this attitude. At the same time, we would put our mind in positive things, or trying to see the same situation with a positive attitude.

But we will need as well an “extra-boost” to wipe out the inevitable “negative particles” which eventually could have permeated our “armour”.

We would need then literally to bomb our unconscious with diametrically opposed things, as if it was a “chemotherapy”, like for example, showing empathy with our elderly neighbour, visiting ill people to encourage them, you name it.

In the end, life is basically composed by circumstances, options, choices and results.

We can only control the choices we make. If we base our choices in high human values, gradually our circumstances, options and results will turn accordingly.

And if it doesn’t work the first time, evaluate your failures, readjust your targets, and try again with even more strength. 

The final price worth the trouble and this is YOU.

Hopefully, these reflections can be useful, as much as they have been for me. Further ideas or comments are most welcome, and if you have found them of any value, please share them.


Carlos Tíscar

vor 6 Jahren #13

I didnt know the navarro loop before this but it actually makes sense. Brilliant post David!

David Navarro López

vor 7 Jahren #12

Thank you David, for taking your time to read it. I don't know if it is a 10%, or if we are going to be able to increase it in the future. The fact is, that we already have a lot of unused potential available, and it is up to us to use efficiently. If you liked this "food", you will find interesting some more you can find here http://www.slideshare.net/bicefablog/why-making-choices-based-on-intuition-can-be-successful-47455282 Thank you for sharing

David Navarro López

vor 7 Jahren #11

I have given a point to your comment, dear Deb, but it worths much more than that. Thank you for your enriching words, I agree entirely with all of them. The buzz is, apart from other things, the product of my infinite thirst to question everything and to try to find the truth by doubting from it at the first place, due to the stated fact that every thought we have is subjective, biased by our own thoughts, fears, prejudices, beliefs. This is why I included the "reaction" of other people caused by our "action", as a way of controlling or mirroring to confirm or deny our internal process. The wisest man of humankind, King Solomon, said that in the multitude of counsellors resides the wisdom. Because nobody possesses the ultimate truth, so it is good to compare with others our own thoughts, to see the sides we could have surpassed due to our own biasing, because the brain has not the capability to understand the difference between fiction and reality. As you say, the unconscious can be "treacherous" and can blind us from the reality. in the other hand, as you are pointing out, with your words "with an eye towards understanding how to achieve the sort of life we desire for ourselves." you are showing a way on how can we "trick" our unconscious by rationally setting our goals, and influence it to make it helps us achieving them. This is called Neuro Linguistical Incitement. I encourage you to have a look at a presentation I did some time ago concerning to this. I am sure you will find it very interesting. http://www.slideshare.net/bicefablog/not-in-the-mood

David B. Grinberg

vor 7 Jahren #10

Very interesting post, Dave, lot's of food for thought. I'm always amazed by the fact that most humans only use a mere 10% of their brain power, according to scientists and neurologists. I wonder what would happen if we doubled or tripled that amount, and why can't we? cc: Ali Anani

David Navarro López

vor 7 Jahren #9

Paul Burge thank you for sharing. Hopefully, it will be useful for someone as it has been for me

David Navarro López

vor 7 Jahren #8

Has dado totalmente en el clavo, compañero. De hecho, si por algo somos amigos, es porque pensamos de igual forma en cuanto a que cada uno es responsable de lo que piensa y como lo hace. Desde luego que no es fácil, y como apuntas, el primer paso, que es ser conscientes de que ese potencial que tenemos nos pertenece y tenemos el derecho y el deber de moldearlo a nuestra voluntad, ese es el más dificil de asumir. A partir de ahí, todo es un poco menos difícil, y tiene sus recompensas. Cuanto más tiempo le dedicas, más te lo agradece.

David Navarro López

vor 7 Jahren #7

Completely agreed that we are not neurologists and that we might be able to work out a loop for our complex brain. As well, the brain is not a computer. Is much more complex and sophisticated. In the other hand, everybody has one, and together with it, the right to use it at his own will. This includes allowing others to influence our mind. It is an option too. The wonder of it is that each one is the responsible of our own mind, and that we can change our choices accordingly to our will.

Oscar Montejo Rodriguez

vor 7 Jahren #6

Completamente de acuerdo David Navarro L\u00f3pez. Es lo que yo llamo reprogramación mental. Mucha gente se asusta cuando hablo de ella pero cuando eres consciente que has sido reprogramado desde niño sin darte cuenta, no es mas que desaprender para volver a aprender de nuevo. Pero es dificil de hacer y mucho más de concebir. Creemos que somos así y punto. Si fueramos conscientes del verdadero poder real de nuestros pensamientos,tal vez trararíamos con mucho más mimo lo que metemos en nuestra cabecita loca. Un articulo estupendo! Un abrazo amigo!

Ali Anani

vor 7 Jahren #5

I understand very well your point of view and the complexity of the Navarro Loop. However; you start with the perception and you end it with the perception. May be it is also a spiral loop, too. The concept is clear. Images help people to remember the loop. Keep trying because the challenge is worth it my friend David Navarro L\u00f3pez.

David Navarro López

vor 7 Jahren #4

Thank you for your kind words dear Ali, but I just would like to remark that "I tried to make a scheme of the Navarro Loop. I failed. I could not find a chain or a pattern on which the components fit one with each other because they interact disorderly." I am sorry if Ii gave the wrong impression by writing it this way. My intention was to put them orderly by way in/way out, but what it happens between them, it changes continuosly. It took me many hours to trying to find a scheme, only to find out there is none. A perception can lead to a knowledge, but if the beliefs are against it, it can go back and forth, depurated, corrected, or deleted. Or, a reaction can be strongly adverse to an action, and make entire line to become a chaos. Above all, you are completely right. The buzz is worthy for many discussions. Hopefully, it will have the desired reach to all the big minds around bebee, in order to provide some further light to it

Ali Anani

vor 7 Jahren #3

Part 2 If these are not worthy of discussions then what would be deserving You know that Sara Jacobovici, Franci Eugenia Hoffman and myself have been developing an equation that started with:Knowing + doing = action (movement). In the Navarro Loop the starting point is perception and then knowledge. Here, you suggest knowledge to proceed to action through moving from knowledge to beliefs and then actions. This means we may consider modifying our equation to include beliefs. I wonder what Sara and Franci would comment. The way you link the conscious and the subconscious minds is amazing. I am thinking of having the controllable mind in the vicinity of the uncontrollable one. This is how nature works. I am moved by your dedication my friend and would hope this buzz receives due attention.

Ali Anani

vor 7 Jahren #2

Part 1 David Navarro L\u00f3pez- this post,thediscussion on a large scale. Let me first note down some of the key statements in your buzz;: …with the accuracy of a drunken elephant in a crystal store Something it kept me thinking is that we can actually physically modify our brain consciously. • The Navarro Loop (Perception, knowledge, beliefs, action, interaction, perception) We need to remember that our subconscious is who gets ready the “reports for the boss” the subconscious works full speed when the conscious sleeps So it is up to us to allow them to percolate us, and in any case, we need to reinforce ourselves with the things we want, to give a stronger voice to our priorities

David Navarro López

vor 7 Jahren #1

Dedicated to Ali Anani, my inspiration for writing this buzz

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